Judson Church - Toulouse Lautrec's Atelier (Set Design: Sadra Tehrani)
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Judson Church - Toulouse Lautrec's Atelier (Set Design: Sadra Tehrani)
Judson Church - Toulouse Lautrec's Atelier (Set Design: Sadra Tehrani)

In the fall of 2020, a while after theatrical productions had been shut down across the country; I got the chance to work on a performative theatrical walking tour by the Bated Breath Theater Company called “Voyeur: Windows of Toulouse-Lautrec”. The show invites audiences to peer through the windows of old Paris, wherein the sidewalks, doorways and windows of Greenwich Village become the setting as live accompaniment collides with the city’s soundscape and transport the audience bohemian world of 1899 Montmartre.

Since the opening of the show, it has been critically acclaimed in New York Times, Time Out New York, Washington Post and NoProscenium, as well as other theatrical and performance-related press.

Starting from the Duplex bar the audience observe a scene of a drunken Toulouse-Lautrec in a Parisian bordello and are then led by musicians to a storefront window performance at ChaShaMa (Set Design by Ebony Burton and Lina Younes). After passing through the Washington Sq Park the tour resolves in the Judson Church (Set Design: Sadra Tehrani) where I transformed the balcony into a dreamscape collage of Toulouse-Lautrec’s studio and the streetscape of Montmarte, as he recalls his final absinthe-laced years.


Selected Credits:

Director: Mara Lieberman

Puppetry Design by James Ortiz

Finale Site Design Sadra Terhani

8th Street Nail Salon Design Ebony Burton, Lina Younes

Lighting Design by Ebony Burton

Costume Design by Christopher Metzger

Full Cast and Credits at https://unmakinglautrecplay.com/program

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